Bon Ton Associate Handbook Pdf

I arrived at least 20 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. Turned the lights on in the furniture department where the meetings were held. Welcomed the other associates as they arrived. Asked them how their previous day was. We would discuss new items that we had to put away and what we expected for the rest of the week. Out came the opening management team. Usually the store manager and a supervisor.

We were given a sheet listing lunches and another with new from the Company and what is expected from us for the day. It also listed upcoming sales and employee discounts. Down to the department we were scheduled in. Opened the registers and turned on the lights.

Sheet1 Newly Added Applications - Hist KnownIssues STV Name Changes Windows Newly Added Catalog Acronis Inc. Adobe Systems Incorporated Apple Computer Inc. The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc. Is committed to uncompromising integrity in all that. Associates responsible for buying or leasing materials and services on behalf of.

It was 10:00AM and couldn't wait for our first customer. I did not find any part of my job to be difficult and meeting new customers was pleasurable. Enjoyed opening new accounts was fun because it allowed me to get the customers on a personal basis.

Overall, The Bon Ton was a learning and one of the best retail experiences I have ever had. Various Hours, Busy depending on Sales Which become quite hectic since the sale Signs are being Changed every other day. You get trained On the computer and you are pretty much on your own after that in store No help from Management because they are not there on certain hours, Co-workers are Very nice but get stressed easy because too Much to do in very little time, Not enough Staff on board. The hardest part of the Job would have to be not having an attendant at the dressing rooms they become so over packed, theft is a problem they are losing more money in store then they pay the employees for the work that needs to be done cleaning up after customers who treat the place like trash with clothing every where. The only good part of the job is the co-workers all respect one another and get along great. My experience at Bon-ton was short for numerous reasons, one being an excess number of coupons, that (excludes) basically everything in the store, then having to continuously explain why the coupons don't work.


When the customer was upset about coupons or incorrect signs, you were supposed to give it to them, Another being the Reward Cards (credit cards), it was expected everytime you worked, you needed to open a Rewards card but the problem was either the customer already had one or didn't want one. They also called you constantly to come in and work. Didn't matter if you were at school or busy or working another job.

Free download video klip zaskia gotik 1 jam saja. Also, management rarely helped you especially when the customer wanted to speak to them or when you were by yourself with a line. The only thing good that came out of this job was the co-workers because they understood and actually made the stressful days less stressful. A typical day at work is normal,because i do the samething every single day.I have learned so much at younkers from poor customer service to excellent customer service.The managerment was great,because the manager worked with you as far as schedule.The co-workers at younkers are great no negativity or nothing everyone gets alone pretty well.There's not a hard part of the job to me,because im a fast learner.The most enjoyable part about working at younkers is helping the customers and making sure they find everything that they were looking for.