Gravity Tamil Dubbed Movie Download

Watch Gravity (2013) Hindi Dubbed Full Movie Online, Free Download Gravity (2013) Hindi Dubbed Full Movie, Gravity (2013) Hindi Dubbed Full Movie Download in HD Mp4 Mobile Movie. Watch Gravity 2013 Full Hindi Dubbed Movie Online Free Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) is a medical engineer on her first shuttle mission. Her commander is veteran astronaut Matt Kowalsky (George Clooney), helming his last flight before retirement.

The short version: Gravity is a real stinker. What's all the hype? Cliched, BORING,technically lame, not worth 3-D, and beyond Bullock's abilities. Don't waste your $$. The longer version: WHY is this movie receiving so much hype? What a LOSER! Not only is it BORING, but dishonors the brave men and women who are REAL astronauts. Download just a little bit of your love by marvelous benji.

Sorry, Neil Armstrong. Not even a BABY STEP for mankind in this stinker. Every possible cliche is at work here: the damsel in distress, the 'strip' of the damsel, the depression of the damsel, the refusal of the damsel to obey orders, the damsel repeatedly wailing 'what do I do nowwwwww?' How this lame-o 'brilliant medical engineer' EVER qualified to be an astronaut is not explained (must be due to all the budget cut-backs). Similarly, the other 'astronaut,' George Clooney, a know-it-all wise guy, suicidally releases himself into deep space early on for no good reason. So we're stuck with Ms.

Lame-o and weak special effects for most of the movie. Said damsel is the flyweight actress Sandra Bullock -- whining, preceding every other line with a snurfff (Best Boy! Get that woman some Benadryl!), and heavy breathing sum up her portrayal. You wouldn't want HER along as a member of the team, well, anywhere.

Even Disney World. WhyEVER would George Clooney lend his name to such bunkum? Don't waste your money. Laughable -- not EVEN worth it. The big 'spoiler' is that this is a big budget Hollywood move with a preposterous plot and lots of special effects. The problem here is that nobody could possible survive through any of this, and the special effects become a substitute for any meaningful plot.

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Even taken on its own terms, the movie makes no sense. Sandra Bullock has become an astronaut but lacks even the basic skills for that occupation. She tells us she always crash landed the flight simulator, and we find her thumbing through an instruction manual about the size of the instructions for a DVD player to figure out how to safely pilot a space craft back to earth. She even picks the buttons eeny, meany, miney, mo style. Add to this the contrived scenario that she has not only lost a child but also is 'revived' and given a reason to live by the now dead George Clooney appearing in a dream sequence. And how great a movie can it really be where there is only one character (and almost no dialog) on camera for most of the film.

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The special effects are impressive, but what they've obviously done is use computer graphics to create all the weightless effects. As such, things remain weightless even when they shouldn't be, and you eventually become more interested in looking for the screw-ups than watching the movie. Please, please, please. Will someone make a movie with a clever plot that keeps you guessing to the end and with interesting and passably believable characters. In Space no one can hear you – 'ask for your money back!' Disclaimer: Spoiler Alert - its horrible.