Hierarchical Data Grid View Sort

The Kettic DataGridView Control offers the hierarchical data structure support, which is able to display hierarchical master-detail data. This grid component allows UI designer process the hierarchical data at design time as well as in run time with the C# API included in the grid control. The Kettic GridView.NET component provides a SortDescriptors property for users to set the grid data sorting function. This property is at the level of.

The Kettic GridView component is able to create custom sorting of grid data. This flexible sorting allows users to sort rows data that is bound to GridView according to custom logic. To create custom sorting to grid data, we need enable the GridView.EnableSorting property or the GridViewTemplate.EnableSorting property. When enabling the sorting property, the GridView will sort data at all levels. There are two approaches available for users to customize sorting to GridView, handling the CustomizeSorting event and applying a custom SortComparer to replace the Kettic GridView sorting.

• • • • • • • • • • • How to Create Custom Sorting to GridView. When we enable the GridView.EnableSorting property or the GridViewTemplate.EnableSorting property, the CustomSorting event is fired. This custom sorting event contains several properties, such as Template, Row1, Row2, SortResult, and Handled. The following are the explanation of these properties.

• Template, this property is used to sort the grid rows held by the template • Row1, Row2, the properties will determine the two rows that will be compared • SortResult, the property is able to get back the negative value if Row1 is before Row2, positive value when Row1 is after Row2, and zero when the value of the rows are equaled to each other in a specified column. • Handled, this property is used to define if the comparison of the two grid data rows is processed by the custom algorithm or by the applied sort descriptors. C# code for Creating Custom Sorting.

/ / RELATED VIDEOS In this video you will learn the various ways you can display hierarchical data in a RadGridView. (Runtime: 12:13) There are many cases when you wouldn't want to include the whole dataset and hierarchy in your application.

In such cases you cannot use the automatically mode for hierarchical data binding and you will need to set up the hierarchy in code manually. For setting the hierarchy, you will need the special GridViewRelation class, which defines the related field in parent and child tables.

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