Microcontrollers By Rajkamal Ebook Store

Serial number session horns pro. This fully revised edition of Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming, Interfacing and System Design prepares the students for system development using the 8051 as well as 68HC11, 80x96, ARM and PIC family Microcontrollers and provides a perfect blend of both hardware and software aspects.

This book is intended as a hands-on manual for learning how to design systems using the STM32 F1 family of micro-controllers. The focus of this book is on developing code to utilize the various peripherals available in STM32 F1 micro-controllers and in particular the STM32VL Discovery board. Topics covered includes: Introduction to the STM32 F1, Skeleton Program, STM32 Configuration, Asynchronous Serial Communication, SPI, SD Memory Cards, I2C – Wii Nunchuk, Timers, DMA: Direct Memory Access, DAC: Digital Analog Converter, ADC: Analog Digital Converter, Real-Time Operating Systems. This book introduces undergraduate students to the field of microcontrollers – what they are, how they work, how they interface with their I/O components, and what considerations the programmer has to observe in hardware-based and embedded programming. This text is not intended to teach one particular controller architecture in depth, but should rather give an impression of the many possible architectures and solutions one can come across in today’s microcontrollers. Topics covered includes: Microcontroller Basics, Microcontroller Components, Communication Interfaces, Software Development, Hardware.