Mahabharat Krishna Dialogues Download

The conversation between Karna and Krishna is quite fascinating. Before the Kurukhetra war, Krishna grew restless because of the presence of Karna in Kaurava camp. Download Krishna Bhajans songs Mp3 Free - Listen to latest Krishna bhajan songs. In Shrimad Bhagavat and Mahabharata, composed by Krishna's contemporary. Bhagavad Gita, there is a dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna, which is.

Venue: Malaysia Dated: 10th Dec 2016 We welcome you all the assembled devotees joining us this morning, remembering Krishna’s pastimes in Kuruksetra which took place on this day. Specially the pastime of speaking what we call Bhagavad Gita, the song of God, Sri Krishna. That is also pastime right? Reciting Bhagavad Gita, speaking Bhagavad Gita is amazing, amazing pastime. So, repeat after me, dhrtarastra uvaca dharma-ksetre kuru-ksetre samaveta yuyutsavah mamakah pandavas caivan kim akurvata sanjaya TRANSLATION: Dhrtarastra said: O Sanjaya, after my sons and the sons of Pandu assembled in the place of pilgrimage at Kuruksetra, desiring to?ght, what did they do? PURPORT: Bhagavad-gita is the widely read theistic science summarized in the Gita mahatmya ( Glori?cation of the Gita). There it says that one should read Bhagavad-gita very scrutinizingly with the help of a person who is a devotee of Sri Krsna and try to understand it without personally motivated interpretations.

The example of clear understanding is there in the Bhagavad-gita itself, in the way the teaching is understood by Arjuna, who heard the Gita directly from the Lord. If someone is fortunate enough to understand the Bhagavad- gita in that line of disciplic succession, without motivated interpretation, then he surpasses all studies of Vedic wisdom, and all scriptures of the world. One will?nd in the Bhagavad- gita all that is contained in other scriptures, but the reader will also?nd things which are not to be found elsewhere. That is the speci?c standard of the gita. It is the perfect theistic science because it is directly spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krsna. Just now, I remembered. Prabhupad was travelling from Amritsar back to Delhi with his followers.

Must be late 60’s or early 70 or 71. The train stopped at Kuruksetra train station and through the window Prabhupada was pointing, right there, battlefield of Kuruksetra took place and right there in between the 2 armies the chariot stood and Krishna spoke. So, meaning also the history the historical event there was a time in Krishna’s Lila, one day He was very much there, in Kuruksetra.

Kuruksetra existed and exists now and Krishna was there in that Kuruksetra. “Dharma ksetrekuruksetre”. Not just mentioned Kuruksetra but mentioned Dharma ksetra. And one who said is Dhritarashtra and he had to say this.

He could just say Kuruksetra.“ My sons and sons of Pandu have assembled in Kuruksetra “he could have just said that. But he didn’t say just Kuruksetra, he had to say dharma ksetra. Srila Prabhupad explains why it is so. Because he is thinking that my sons are not dharmic, not spiritual. But this place is place of dharma, this place is place of spirituality. So this place will not go in favour of my sons. Sons of Pandu are spiritual, dharmic.

They are Krishna conscious. So this will certainly do favour or this place is in favour of sons of my brother Pandu and not in favour of my sons. So, while thinking or saying “Kuruksetra”, he had to say yes yes this place is of dharma. But my sons are not dharmic. So he is already kind of realizing the outcome of this battle.

So he has his doubts about the outcome of the battle. So he is enquiring. “kim akurvata sanjaya”. Dhrtara?tra is sitting in Hastinapur, 700 miles away from Kuruksetra and next to him is Sanjaya, his secretary, his minister and he is enquiring from him. “you tell me what is going on there in Kuruksetra and what do you think is going to be outcome of the battle.” This is how the very first verse begins like that. This is the question.


Ofcourse all that Sanjay is going to be talking, that talk is there. In the conclusion of Bhagavad gita, the last verse of Bhagavad Gita we find the answer to this question.

And he says yatra yogesvarah krsno yatra partho dhanur dharah tatra srir vijayo bhutir dhruva nitir matir mama Very perfect, question begins with question and ends with the answer to that particular question. You had asked me what happens.

In the battle someone wins and someone is defeated. This is normally one of those things or both of those things.

One party is victorious and other party is defeated. Gita begins with Dhrtarastra uvaca and ends with Sanjaya uvaca.

The first question is addressed to Sanjaya. Sanjaya says yes I could tell. Battle is about to begin and they are in middle I could say yes for sure. He is giving the conclusion. Wherever there is Krishna, what kind of Krishna, Yogesvarah Krishna and where ever there is archer, Dhanurdhara, the holder of dhanushbaan, arch and bow. Like Arjun there. Yatratatra –where there. is not responsible for third party website content. The media files you download with must be for time shifting, personal, private, non commercial use only and remove the files after listening. It is illegal for you to distribute copyrighted files without permission. Kana kanum kalangal kelith thodum nerazhkol mp3 song download.